Thursday, 22 January 2009

Into 2009

Another 3 months gone by but I have been busy drawing and painting when I could! Christmas and New Year was a blur and best forgotten as all the family had flu. A new grandson last week (Reuben George-he's gorgeous) has also deflected me a bit, but am enjoying a new project on 'heads' so have been busy drawing anyone who will sit for me-luckily I have 4 'oldies' I can trap into sitting still for an hour or so, and have also used photos as reference after the sittings. I have started to work up a few of the images in oils, but it will take several weeks work. Also did a clay head from a model this week, which I thoroughly enjoyed; it's great getting your hands dirty! Had several paintings in a local exhibition just before Christmas and sold 5 of them, so was very pleased, and got a lot of positive comments which always spurs one on. I got a bit of a shoe fettish, all shoes kindly loaned from my daughter who actually wears these beauties.


Caroline said...

Hi Sue,
Good to see you back- it's great you sold some work- and I love the shoes.. X

Sue England said...

Thanks! howare things with you?

Caroline said...

Good- I sold three small works this week! And had some interest in the gallery in devon, so he wants more stuff.
Off to England next week- hope the snow stops 'til we get where we're going..

Sue England said...

Good news about the sales and interest-We are skiing in France but back tomorrow as long as Geneva is open. If you are anywhere near Chichester, give me a call-can offer food, drink or accommodation!