Thursday, 14 February 2008

This 'One Painting a Day' thing

I'm all for disciplining yourself to paint and draw every day, but finishing a painting, bothering to photograph it and load it up to a website EVERY DAY, seems to inevitably invite a compromise in quality-or am I missing something? Yes, sometimes you can get things right in what seems to be a very short period of time, but as someone said to me only the other day, that 'speed' doesn't take account of a life time of experience, all the preliminary sketches, trials, rejects, over painting, re-drawing, thinking time...
If you're going to jump on the bandwagon, it seems to me the whole idea is better suited to 'One Photo a Day' rather than 'One Painting', more like a visual diary and save the daily painting for doing just that, painting every day but without the pressure of having to finish and 'publish' it.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Your work's lovely- well drawn yet loose and a good sense of design and colour.
Mr. May would be proud of us!
The One Painting a Day I find a weird concept- surely the aim isn't to produce a finished presentable piece of work every time, but to learn through practise. Very often it's easier to judge why a picture goes wrong than to say why it works! If we have, before we start, the idea that we want to produce a work that can be framed or shown to others, then we're narrowing choices and blinkering ourselves.